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02 May 2013

Non-Prescription Ways to Treat ADHD Symptoms

For many children the medications can work successfully in diminishing the symptoms of ADHD. Yet there are instances where the medications don’t work as well as parents had hoped or they have so many side effects that the medication is stopped. What can be of great benefit is to use a multi-treatment approach combining non-prescription methods with medication if necessary.
Sensory Integration Techniques

It is believed by many special educators and developmental therapists that children who have disorders such as ADHD or autism may also have what is called Sensory Integration Dysfunction (sometimes also called Sensory Processing Disorder): that the child is unable to process input from their senses in the same way that most people do. The child may be under or over-sensitive to various environmental stimuli
Green Play Settings

There are several studies which show that children with ADHD have improved functioning and fewer ADHD symptoms when they are exposed to natural settings such as fields, woods, and parks.TREAT-activityBehavior Management Strategies

Aside from medication, behavior management strategies are often one of the first lines of defense used to help a child who has ADHD. Restructuring and modifying a child’s environment can greatly reduce a child’s stress and reduce many of the symptoms associated with ADHD. Behavior management strategies can help a child to make sense of their world so that they can better understand cause-and-effect and be able to predict consequences for behavior.
 Healthy Diet and Exercise

This is advice we hear for the general population, but it may be especially important for children who have ADHD. There are many diets out there touted as being helpful for diminishing the symptoms of ADHD including the Feingold Diet or the Gluten Free Casein Free Diet (GFCF diet). Studies also support taking Omega-3 fatty acids and utilizing exercise, especially yoga, to help control ADHD symptoms.
 Good, restful sleep

According to a recent study, researchers reported that over 73% of a sample of children having ADHD also experienced some sort of sleep problem, whether it was difficulty falling asleep, restless leg syndrome, nightmares, feeling tired upon awakening, or breathing difficulties during sleep.

Dietary Approaches

A number of diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Several well-conducted studies have failed to support dietary effects of sugar and food additives on behavior, except possibly in a very small percentage of children. Still, various studies have reported behavioral improvement with diets that restrict possible allergens in the diet. Parents may want to discuss with their doctor implementing an elimination diet of certain foods that would not be harmful and that might help.
Additives and foods that parents and studies report as possible triggers of behavioral changes include:
  • Any artificial colorings (particularly yellow, red, or green)
  • Other chemical additives -- for example, BHT or BHA
  • Milk
  • Chocolate
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Foods containing salicylates, including all berries, chili powder, apples and cider, cloves, grapes, oranges, peaches, peppers (bell & chili), plums, prunes, tomatoes
  • brainretraining 
 Feingold Diet.
The most well-known diet for ADHD is the Feingold diet, a salicylate- and additive-free diet, which requires rigorous vigilance over a child's eating habits. This diet also prohibits aspirin, which contains salicylates. Some parents report success with this diet, although it may be difficult to impose. It is certainly wise, in any case, to avoid food with artificial colors and flavors and to provide a healthy balance of fresh, natural foods. Essential Fatty Acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish and certain vegetable oils, are important for normal brain function and may have some benefits for people with ADHD. It is not clear if supplements of fatty acid compounds, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA), provide any advantages.
Zinc is important for the metabolism of certain neurotransmitters that play a role in ADHD, and deficiencies may be associated with some cases of ADHD. Long-term use of zinc, however, can cause anemia and other side effects in people without deficiencies and it has no effect on ADHD in these patients. In any case, testing for trace minerals, such as zinc, is not standard procedure when evaluating children suspected to have ADHD.
Sugar. Although parents often blame sugar for causing children to become impulsive or hyperactive, evidence does not show that sugar plays a role in hyperactivity.

Feedback Approaches

Techniques that use biologic or auditory feedback may be effective tools for improving children's attention.

Other Non-Drug Therapies

A number of alternative approaches are tried by children and adults with mild ADHD symptoms. For example, daily massage therapy may help some people with ADHD feel happier, fidget less, be less hyperactive, and focus on tasks. Other alternative approaches that may be helpful include relaxation training, meditation, and music therapy. Based on existing evidence, these treatments may be helpful for symptom management but are not proven to benefit the underlying disorder.
Herbs and Supplements.
A number of parents resort to alternative remedies as an alternative to psychostimulants and other drugs. These products include St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, panax ginseng, melatonin, and pine bark extract. Based on existing evidence, however, none can be recommended, particularly for children.
Generally, manufacturers of herbal remedies and dietary supplements do not need FDA approval to sell their products. Just like a drug, herbs and supplements can affect the body's chemistry, and therefore have the potential to produce side effects that may be harmful. There have been a number of reported cases of serious and even lethal side effects from herbal products. Always check with your doctor before using any herbal remedies or dietary supplements.

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1 comment:

  1. Just learned that my daughter was diagnosed with ADD, she just started High School. Focusing on writing might be her biggest struggle. Another article encouraged trying “INK for All”. The dark mode and option to work offline are working well for her.
